Friday, February 20, 2009

What Makes A Restaurant New Mexican & More

A couple of viewers, such as Lori and Susan Romano, have asked what makes a restaurant New Mexican. In order to answer this question, I went back to Los Cuates and asked the manager Leslie. He stated that the aspect that makes his restaurant New Mexican is the style of food. He said that they use more meat and less seafood and rice. It is not as Mediterranean as other Hispanic dishes. When a restaurant states that they are a New Mexican restaurant, they are talking about the style of food. Anyone can start a New Mexican restaurant if they just follow the style of food, which you can study from other New Mexican restaurants. I also do not believe that it is impossible for an immigrant to become a New Mexican. I liked Geoff's idea of making a scale for the restaurants that I going to review. I have decided to make a scale of one to five forks. One fork being the worst restaurant and five forks being the best restaurant. For Los Cuates, I give them 4 forks. For Las Mananitas, I give them 4 and half forks. Again, I will be reviewing El Patio De Albuquerque. Please leave any questions that you wish for me to ask the waitress, manager, or owner.


  1. Thanks for following up on my query. I agree that New Mexcan is all about the style. Style to me means a kinda messiness of New Mexican food where everything tastes good together beans potatoes, salsa, chili, rice, etc.

  2. Thats great that you followed this up and i can now tell my friends and family back home the differences in the two types of foods. I certainly agrre with LOrri, i imagine New mexican food as great taste when mixed in all together. Thanks Victor.

  3. On the note of New Mexican food.... is it also a "New Mexican" thing to put green chile in everything and on everything? I mean I've been shopping at the Montanita Co-op and I've bought, just in the last two months, a green chile scone, green chile jelly, and today green chile hummus! I love green chile, but I'm sure everyone else thinks we're crazy!...
